Here, you’ll find reflections around my main interests: data, critical thinking, personal finance, software, cognitivism, and mathematics.
I primarily write for myself: improving your writing helpsimprove your thinking. However, I’ll be glad if some of my content proves useful to you as well.
The folder structure is heavily inspired by JZhao website (Even though my personal Obsidian is following the PARA Method, and I like the idea of living documents: I might one day shift the blog to this different structure):
- In Essays you will find my most curated posts.
- Thoughts contains considerations around topics which were resonating sound during the writing period. They are dirtier than the Essays and I expect to update them over the time.
- In Projects are documented some of the projects I’ve worked on.
- Notes contains condensed blocks of knowledge on a specific subject, and can be used as appendix to the essays and thoughts.
You may be interested on some specific topics; the Tags page will group the essays and thoughts by tags.