Manage Infrastructure (usually on Cloud) with configuration files rather than through UI
Repeatable and Reusable (easy to create dev, test, Prod envs by using same files)
Consistent (You know where to find active instances and where to drop them)
Declarative Language
Scope: Identify the Infrastructures (individual unit of services, e.g. Compute Instance, VPN, etc)
Author: Write the configuration
Initialize: Install the plugins needed by Terraform
Plan: Preview the Changes Terraform will make to match your configurations
Apply: Make the planned changes
Build - The Blocks
terraform: list the needed providers
backend: where to store the state file. Local by default.
provider: initializes each provider
resource: List all the resources.
Double entry name (uniqueness): resource name + personal identifier
You can then refer a resource into another resource (e.g. line 32 network =
Initialize the variables (any file .tf will be read by terraform):
Empty { } will ask you to insert a value during terraform apply
Main Commands
terraform init: when you initialize a new configuration
terraform apply: create the infrastructure: will also apply changes in case you update the files.
Two types of changes:
- Non destructive: the resource will just be updated (e.g. adding a tag to a VM)
- Destructive: The old resource will be destroyed first and a new one will be created (e.g. changing image to a VM)
terraform destroy: Delete all the resources.
Open Questions
I think it’s not possible to save every single resource as a Tf object: For Example, how can you deploy the first resources without having initialized a Google Build Trigger via UI?